Unprecedented collaboration between Members and leagues leads to immediate changes for
junior hockey in Western Canada
CALGARY, Alberta – Hockey Canada has announced that its board of directors has approved a
Western Canadian Development Model (WCDM) pilot project for the 2024-25 season, following
an extensive proposal submitted in collaboration from its four Western Members, their
respective Junior A hockey leagues and the Western Hockey League (WHL).
The WCDM pilot project focuses on strengthening the delivery of sanctioned junior hockey to
participants across Western Canada and will create unprecedented choice and flexibility for
players and their families in a system that prioritizes their unique needs on and off the ice,
while evolving the opportunities offered to athletes to develop at a level that is reflective of
their ability.
“The unity between Hockey Canada and the 10 organizations that led the development of the
pilot project has never been stronger, and we are grateful for the tremendous work by the
Members and leagues that led to today’s announcement,” said Pat McLaughlin, chief operating
officer and executive vice-president of strategy for Hockey Canada. “We all must continue to
evolve to meet the needs of Canadians looking to participate in our National Winter Sport in a
system that operates with an athlete-centered approach and ensures their development and
safety on and off the ice is at the forefront of everything we do.
“By increasing flexibility for junior hockey players and families in Western Canada, we
anticipate that we will see higher quality competition on the ice, all the way up to the National
Team level when Canada is competing internationally in the years to come.”
The WCDM working group consists of representatives from BC Hockey, the Kootenay
International Junior Hockey League, the Pacific Junior Hockey League, Hockey Alberta, the
Alberta Junior Hockey League, Hockey Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League,
Hockey Manitoba, the Manitoba Junior Hockey League and the WHL.
1. Standard of play and rules
By streamlining the application of Playing Rules for the same age group, athletes, coaches and
officials participating in sanctioned Western Junior A leagues will gain experience and develop
in a similar environment to the WHL.
All participating Western Junior A leagues will adopt the WHL Rule Book, except for
Section 1 – Playing Area, Section 3 – Equipment, Rule 34.6 – Television, Rule 38 – Video
Goal Judge and Rule 46.14 – Major Penalty.
Fighting in the Western Junior A leagues will continue to follow the existing Hockey
Canada Rule 7.10.15
As part of the pilot, players 18 years of age or older as of December 31 of the current
season may choose to wear half-face protection, while those under the age of 18 must
continue to wear full-face protection, in line with the International Ice Hockey
Federation (IIHF) Rule 202.
2. Roster composition
To increase flexibility in the development pathway for 15- and 16-year-old players in Western
Canada, a number of changes will be implemented, including:
All 15-year-old affiliate players will be eligible to play up to 10 games with their WHL
Club, the same as 16-year-old affiliate players.
Instead of rostering a maximum of five 15-year-old affiliate players in a season, WHL
Clubs will be allowed to name up to nine by January 10.
If a WHL Club cannot dress a full roster of 20 players for a game, the team will now be
eligible to dress two 15-year-old affiliate players.
WHL Clubs will be able to designate one 16-year-old player, who upon being returned
to a Junior A, Canadian Sport School Hockey League or U18 team, will be allowed to
play up to 15 games in the WHL.
If one of the four Members participating in the pilot has granted a 12-, 13- or 14-year-
old player special status to play in an advanced age category, any such player must be
evaluated to ensure they currently meet and are deemed to continue with special
player status in their 15-year-old year to qualify and continue to be eligible to play up
to 34 games in the WHL.
“This unprecedented collaboration between the WHL, Junior A leagues and the Western
Branches is an unmistakably player-first approach and is one that responds in a substantive way
to the evolving demands of players and their families,” commented WHL commissioner Dan
Near. “Each of these organizations share a common priority – developing players on and off the
ice. The Western Hockey League sits atop the development pyramid for elite players in the
West and we will always look for ways to enhance our delivery to players and their families.”
“Establishing this pilot project is a very important part of the exciting steps being taken to
evolve our junior hockey pathways in Western Canada, and the initiative will provide our
players with even more opportunity and flexibility in their development,” said Cameron Hope,
chief executive officer of BC Hockey. “We look forward to the coming season and working
together with our Junior A leagues, the WHL and Hockey Canada to ensure the sanctioned
junior hockey system continues to strengthen and flourish in our Branch and beyond.”
“This collaboration resets the foundation for developmental opportunities for athletes across
Western Canada,” stated AJHL commissioner Ryan Bartoshyk. “As a unified group, we can
proactively approach the dynamic nature of our game while adapting and evolving over the
duration of this initiative and beyond. We are appreciative of the trust placed in our collective
hands and thank the Hockey Canada Board and staff for their support.”
The pilot project will be reviewed on an ongoing basis during the 2024-25 season, and it is
anticipated that its scope will expand in future seasons.